What would we do without our girlfriends???
Seriously ladies, our girlfriends have come in and out of our lives at different times some have been around the block with us soooo many times and others more brief. They have seen us at our best and our rock bottom worst!
Women connecting with each other is the driving force of change in this world of madness. We really do need to continue to help each other by truly lending a listening ear, motivating each other and simply supporting one another as often as possible.
You see, I believe every person on this Earth has a Divine Purpose that is much bigger than our understanding. It is through this purpose that real change occurs and it is how we serve each other. If we cultivate a deeper understanding of each other and "cut each other some slack" as women we will provide a great opportunity to follow our Divine Purpose. Each of us have a unique purpose in life and that is what makes us so special.
No one person has experienced things the same as YOU and you have wonderful gifts!
The other day when I was in the shower I was thinking about how wonderful I feel after a great day with friends. It may be a walk with dogs, a workout, belly laughs watching Netflix, a FB messenger video catch up, a phone call to an old friend, etc. There are so many ways we can make time for each other. I understand we are all under the pump and BUSY & finding time to "catch up" is not always easy!
So here is my idea it is called "Fab Five"
Choose 5 ways to support and focus on at least one friend (or more) each week.
Now I mean really support!
This may be very easy for many of you. And perhaps you already do this without really thinking about it. It could be calling for a coffee catch up and really listening attentively, a hand written card of gratitude, helping that friend with something that is very important to her, encouraging your friend to "go for what she really wants in life," perhaps, sharing her business online and writing a recommendation to others. It is about sisterhood and no one can really articulate what this intangible bond is between us like when you look at someone and without saying a word completely understand what they are feeling.
When WE support each other, it breaks down barriers and we also set a great example for the next generation.
You may also want to mentor the next generation of young women - I believe as we gain wisdom with age it is our responsibility to pass on the "truths" that we have learned through our own experiences.
These may be old friends or new friends, doesn't matter but you need to consciously decide to serve them with intention and let's see what happens. Simply write down ideas on Sunday evening with a little list of how you can make an effort to support your friend.
If you decide to try this, I would love to hear your thoughts and ways you made an impact.
The possibilities are endless...Let's celebrate each other!
Also, I love this article below - have a read!
Sending my Love and Light to you all xo Sandee
til next time